Department of Political and Global Affairs
Study Abroad Opportunities
Study abroad is an integral part of the Political and Global Affairs curriculum. The opportunity to study in another country affords our majors and minors with many advantages. Students return from their study abroad programs with broadened world views. Their firsthand experiences with different cultures and ways of life enhance their critical thinking skills.
Likewise, the life experiences gained and personal connections made while abroad aptly prepare our students for the diverse, multi-cultural world we live in today. International experience is attractive to employers in a variety of fields and is viewed favorably by many graduate programs.
Even before graduation, participation in study abroad programs benefit our majors and minors. Studies show that students who study abroad boast higher GPAs on average and are more likely to finish their undergraduate degree.
Employers increasingly seek graduates who have international experience. International knowledge, cross-cultural communication skills, flexibility, resilience, and the ability to adapt to new circumstances are skills enhanced through study abroad that are important to employers in various fields.
Some statistics: Study Abroad students are twice as likely to find a job within 12 months of graduation, when only 49% of college graduates found employment in the same period.
- Study Abroad students have reported 25% higher salaries than those college graduates who do not study abroad
- 84% of study abroad alumni felt their studies abroad helped them build valuable skills for the job market
- 80% of study abroad students reported that study abroad allowed them to better adapt better to diverse work environments
Where do I go to learn about study abroad?
MTSU Study Abroad hosts the applications and programming for all approved study abroad programs to many countries and partner institutions. They also assist with financial aid and scholarships, the planning process, and questions you may have about living abroad.
Early planning is the key to successful study abroad. Hundreds of study abroad opportunities exist; they differ in location, duration, curriculum, language, degree of cultural immersion, cost, and many other factors. In order to find the program that is the right “fit” for your personal and academic objectives, you should begin planning your study abroad experience at least six to twelve months before you plan to participate.
Education Abroad Advising can greatly help with your program search. Visit their office early so they can assist you with finding a program that interests you and is relevant to your degree plan! They can help you sort through the opportunities that exist and share our inside knowledge with you about the programs and process.
Where To Go To Get Started
Location: MTSU Education Abroad / Study Abroad is located in Jones Hall, rooms 115 &113
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm. Their office is typically open during the following times, but please call ahead to be certain. If you need to speak to a specific person, please make an appointment. Walk-in hours may be available.
Website: Click Here
Are there special scholarships for study abroad?
Yes. Some scholarship money is available from the Office of Education Abroad, certain program providers, and through independent organizations. Also, financial aid can typically be applied to study abroad programs. Don’t limit yourself to the scholarships you see on our website though! Searching on your own may yield scholarship and grant opportunities that apply to your chosen study abroad program.
For more information, please see the Funding your Program and Scholarships section of our website.
For questions about how financial aid can apply to an education abroad program students should contact the Financial Aid Department at to schedule an appointment with questions regarding aid and education abroad.
Do I need to know a foreign language to study abroad?
No! Study Abroad programs with courses taught in English are available all over the world – not just native English speaking countries. If you participate in a program where English is not the native language, you will likely have the opportunity to take local language courses as part of your program. Some programs do require a certain level of foreign language skills, depending on the course availability.
You can take foreign languages and courses taught in a different language abroad if you are interested in learning one or continuing your existing study of a language. Many opportunities exist!
What kind of options are there for me?
Many! It all depends on where you want to go, for how long, your major/minors, etc.
There are different types of programs, such as short-term Faculty-Led (Winter, Spring Break, Summer) programs in which MTSU Faculty lead the programs abroad. They will take groups of MTSU students with them during these short breaks. You can go anywhere from England to Tanzania in these programs! Students who are going abroad for the first time may find these programs particularly a good fit.
There are also Semester/Academic Year/Short-term and Exchange Provider Programs. These programs are a bit longer than a break. You’d go for a semester or an academic year. You can go through different approved providers, enroll in a foreign university, and/or stay with a host.
Aside from MTSU Study Abroad programs, there are also competitive study abroad programs that are run by the US government and other organizations that allow students to participate in research, training, work, and education abroad. You can see some of these programs by clicking here and by routinely visiting the University Honors College events and workshops, follow us and UHC on social media, keeping an eye out on various social media pages and emails, and searching for opportunities.
Some of the most well-known programs include Fulbright, Gilman, Critical Language Scholarship, and JET.