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Department of Political and Global Affairs

Moot Court

What is Moot Court?

Moot Court is a simulation that teaches the basic process of appellate advocacy that you see at the Supreme Court. Students participate as lawyers for either the petitioners, questioning the ruling of the lower courts, or as the respondent, arguing for the lower-court ruling to stand. Participants learn to prepare and deliver arguments in front of the court and must be prepared to answer questions of law when interrupted by the justices. Thus, this course helps student improve their public speaking skills, apply case law to specific cases, and learn about appellate court procedures.

Can I participate?

Moot Court is open to MTSU students across all majors. For the class, there are intramural competitions during the semester for all students. There is also an option for out-of-state competitions but those are not required of registered students.

What should I expect to do in this class?

A good deal of reading and speaking. “Mooting” is a dialogue. Students come prepared for oral argument with a strong background of the relevant precedent and with an organized argument. However, students will be interrupted by judges who are looking for answers to specific questions. Thus, students in this class must have the willingness to work with the instructor(s) to improve public speaking skills and comprehension of the Supreme Court cases that will be argued in competition. You will also be required to write appellate briefs and submit those briefs, as a team, to competitions. 

How can I sign up?

There are two ways to participate in Moot Court. First, you may register for PS 2110 Moot Court (1 credit hour). For more information, please contact Dr. David Trowbridge, and Instructor David Himmelreich  Second, you may join the Moot Court club. Please contact Dr. David Trowbridge, and Moot Court Society President Morgan CampBell

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