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Department of Political and Global Affairs


Mediation is a skills-oriented activity for MTSU students interested in dispute resolution and restorative justice. Mediation at MTSU is co-curricular: there is a course that students should take, and a student organization.

The Political and Global Affairs Department offers a course in mediation: PS 2120 Mediation Procedure. In this one-credit-hour experiential learning course, students examine mediation’s theoretical basis and how it works as an alternative to litigation, arbitration, negotiation and other adversarial methods of dispute resolution. They learn and practice specific mediation skills (as mediator and as clients-advocate in mediation) and the details of different mediation approaches, including Restorative Justice. The teaching method is a mix of lecture, videotape viewing and role-play. Members of the Mediation class, along with others, are eligible to qualify for membership in MTSU’s Student Mediation Association and may participate in tournaments like the National Intercollegiate Mediation Association’s (NIMA) regional mediation tournament. For more information about mediation, check the out the International Academy of Dispute Resolution website.

For more information about mediation at MTSU, please contact instructor and practicing litigator Loren Sanderson

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